Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) symptoms include arm pain, numbness, and weakness. According to research, the distance of the transverse process, the cervical rib, and the fibrous band may all compress the nerves and blood vessels that cause the symptoms. The nerves and blood arteries that supply the arm originate in the neck and go via a few congested passageways that occasionally become even more congested, compressing the surrounding structures. Many symptoms, including minor tingling and numbness as well as impaired circulation in the arm, hand, and fingers, might result from this.
The majority of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome treatment regimens benefit greatly from the addition of massage therapy. By directly massaging those muscles to release tension, the compression that the scalenes produce can be lessened. Massage can also help to widen the space between the collar bone and the first rib if the compression is costoclavicular. A skilled massage therapist may frequently successfully treat minor cases of TOS along with stretching and a few selective mobilizations. You might also notice that we’ll massage the entire neck, shoulders, back, and arms to release any tension there, reduce harmful holding patterns, and address any other underlying problems.